

■統計データ画像集 – 男性から見たジェンダー資料 https://www.mosumiharuto.com/statistics-graph-gallery

■婚活アンケート - 女性編|まじめな婚活サイト-エキサイト婚活 https://wedding.excite.co.jp/vote/

■平成29年(2017)人口動態統計(確定数)の概況|厚生労働省 https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/jinkou/kakutei17/index.html

■男の子(女の子)が生まれやすい体質とかあるの? その3 | 英メンズクリニック| 男性不妊治療専門クリニック https://mens.hanabusaclinic.com/information/%E7%94%B7%E3%81%AE%E5%AD%90%E5%A5%B3%E3%81%AE%E5%AD%90%E3%81%8C%E7%94%9F%E3%81%BE%E3%82%8C%E3%82%84%E3%81%99%E3%81%84%E4%BD%93%E8%B3%AA%E3%81%A8%E3%81%8B%E3%81%82%E3%82%8B%E3%81%AE%EF%BC%9F%E3%80%80-3/



■約80%の女性が日本に男女格差があると感じていることが判明 自分の人生を自分の意思で選択しにくい状況と感じる女性が約40%に|公益財団法人ジョイセフのプレスリリース https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000028.000017711.html

■「1日200円の生活費であなたはどう暮らしますか?」ビル・ゲイツの回答を聞いて下さい : ギズモード・ジャパン http://www.gizmodo.jp/2016/06/1200_5.html

■「女 ○○」の検索予測ワードがヒドイ!と海外で話題に 日本版でも試してみたところ、衝撃の結果が! - ウートピ http://wotopi.jp/archives/1370

■A new global gender divide is emerging https://www.ft.com/content/29fd9b5c-2f35-41bf-9d4c-994db4e12998?segmentid=dcee0941-6e02-a9de-5643-b340f3ef2e3a

XユーザーのJohn Burn-Murdochさん: 「NEW: an ideological divide is emerging between young men and women in many countries around the world. I think this one of the most important social trends unfolding today, and provides the answer to several puzzles. https://t.co/kG4qQReqfT」 / X https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1750849189834022932

【訂正版】高校生の4人に3人が「選挙に行くと思う」、女子は"少子高齢化対策" "人材活躍強化"への関心が高いー高校生の政治への関心・社会観・結婚/家庭観「高校生価値意識調査2015」ー|リクルートマーケティングパートナーズ http://www.recruit-mp.co.jp/news/release/2015/1207_2800.html

「選挙に行くと思う」 男子 80.0% > 女子 72.0% (8.0ポイント差)

■ 「国や地方の政治に関心がある」は64% 。
「関心がある」 男子 72.6% > 女子 55.8% (16.8ポイント差)

「子ども・子育て支援」 男子 22.8% < 女子 43.7% (20.9ポイント差)
「女性活躍推進」    男子 9.6% < 女子 32.2% (22.6ポイント差)

所さんの目がテン! 「科学でセクハラ問題に迫る」|テレビ番組 時事ネタなど書いていきます。はい。 http://ameblo.jp/thinkmacgyver/entry-10909481378.html

23:22 - 2015年4月9日

■覚えておいて。我が子を海や川で遊ばせるときの注意点 | ライフハッカー[日本版] https://www.lifehacker.jp/2018/08/how-to-keep-your-child-safe-in-open-pool.html

死因はセルフィー撮影 259人が完璧な写真求め=国際調査 - BBCニュース https://www.bbc.com/japanese/45756245

女性が死者の8割を占めたケースも。災害の死者に女性が多い背景とは | BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN https://www.businessinsider.jp/post-197813












2017年の男女共同参画白書によると、日本の都道府県の防災会議で、女性委員の割合が3分の1を超えているのは、鳥取・島根・徳島の3県のみだ。さらに深刻なのは、 女性委員がひとりもいない市区町村の防災会議は436にものぼる(全体の27%)。

自然災害で犠牲になる女性は男性の14倍… 女性の死亡率が高い2つの理由|ウートピ http://wotopi.jp/archives/18337
フランスの女性誌『LE FIGARO madame』の「どうして自然災害に女性ばかりが犠牲になるのか?」という記事に、以下のようなショッキングなこと書かれていました。




人道危機「まず少女が犠牲に」 死ぬ確率は少年の14倍、調査報告 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3190696
【9月24日 AFP】人道危機の状況下でまず犠牲になるのは少女たちだ、との調査報告を23日、国際人道支援団体プラン・インターナショナル(Plan International)が発表した。少女たちは強制結婚や就学の機会を奪われるなどさまざまな虐待に遭い、紛争の中で命を落とす確率は少年たちと比べて14倍も高いという。

Baumeister, Roy F. (2010) Is There Anything Good about Men? How Cultures Flourish by Exploiting Men, Oxford University Press.

タイタニック号の生存率 | ビジュアルシンキング https://visualthinking.jp/titanic-victims/



難破船上の騎士道はあくまで「幻想」、スウェーデン研究 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/2872113

一般社団法人日本船長協会 IFSMA便りNO.23 http://captain.or.jp/?page_id=4231

■女性に多い「120%病」って? 「私自身もそうでした」と女医 〈AERA〉|dot.ドット 朝日新聞出版 http://dot.asahi.com/aera/2016021800243.html?page=2


時事ドットコム:女医さん、辞めないで! http://www.jiji.com/jc/v4?id=201509womandoctor0001

離職の恐れで女性医師敬遠、関係者「必要悪だ」 : 社会 : 読売新聞(YOMIURI ONLINEhttps://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20180801-OYT1T50132.html

横浜女性ネットワーク会議 https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/city-info/seisaku/torikumi/danjo/ouen/networkwomen.files/0008_20190508.pdf

たかの友梨」は「やりがいの搾取」と「地獄の訓練」の洗脳を動員して「女性を食い潰すブラック企業」(国家公務員一般労働組合) - BLOGOS(ブロゴス) https://lite.blogos.com/article/93825/?axis=&p=2
【出典:徳丸壮也著「第一線ウーマンパワーの実力――たかのビューティクリニック社長 たかの友梨」(『潮』1989年7月号所収)】

南ア鉱山業、セクハラとの闘い 写真9枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3057384?pid=0&page=2
モチロアさんのチームにいる3人の女性のうちの1人、ノズコ・オガイル(Nozuko Ogyle)さんは、女性が認めてもらうには男性の2倍働く必要があると語る。「身体的にきつい仕事で、女性は自分たちにもできることを示さないといけない。ハラスメントの話はよく聞くけど、ここではない」

女性起業家は3倍速く走れ - スタートアップ - 日経テクノロジーオンライン http://techon.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl/column/15/422343/032800005/?P=2

男性の3倍以上の結果が必要…それでも40〜50代のキャリア女性が『女性役員』を目指すワケ | 100年時代のキャリアデザイン | mi-mollet(ミモレ) | 明日の私へ、小さな一歩!(1/2) https://mi-mollet.com/articles/-/29819

シェリル・サンドバーグ:何故女性のリーダーは少ないのか | TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript | TED.com http://www.ted.com/talks/sheryl_sandberg_why_we_have_too_few_women_leaders/transcript?language=ja
女性と男性がフルタイムで働きながら 子どもがいる場合、 女性は男性の倍にも及ぶ家事を行い、 女性は男性の 3倍もの育児を行うのです 彼女の2、3の仕事に対し、 彼のは1つだけ 誰かが家にいなければならないときに退職するのは誰でしょうか

Shameful | The Economist https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/1997/05/22/shameful
Peer review
Women really do have to be at least twice as good as men to succeed
May 22nd 1997| WASHINGTON, DC

SEX and connections: these are not the criteria on which science should be judged, least of all by scientists. But in the first extensive analysis of the way that fellowships in science are awarded, which is published this week in Nature, Christine Wenneras and Agnes Wold, microbiologists at Gothenburg University, in Sweden, found what many graduate students and postdoctoral fellows have long suspected. Namely, that these factors matter as much as, if not more than, scientific merit.

This is in part because the raw data are difficult to obtain. To get the data for their study, Dr Wenneras and Dr Wold had to go to court. The Swedish Medical Research Council (MRC), a government body that funds biomedical research, did not want to release the records of who had said what about whom in the evaluation of fellowship applications. Fortunately, the court declared the records to be official documents—and, therefore, public under Sweden's Freedom of the Press Act.

To start with, Dr Wenneras and Dr Wold analysed the reviews of the 114 applications that the MRC received for the 20 postdoctoral fellowships it offered in 1995. Of the applicants, 46% were women. Of the successful recipients of the awards, only 20% were women. This was not a freak year: in Sweden in the 1990s, women have received 44% of the doctorates awarded in the biomedical sciences, but have been less than half as successful as men at getting postdoctoral fellowships from the MRC. In principle, of course, that might reflect their abilities. In practice, however, other factors seem to be at work.

When the council gets a grant application, it is evaluated by five reviewers, on three measures: scientific competence, the proposed methodology and the relevance of the research. Each measure is given a score of between zero and four; each reviewer's scores are multiplied together, giving a single score between zero and 64; and finally, the scores from the reviewers are averaged together, giving the total score.

Dr Wenneras and Dr Wold found that women received lower than average scores on all three criteria, but especially low scores for scientific competence. To see whether women really were bumbling scientists, the researchers devised three quantifiable measures of competence, and used these to assess the applicants' abilities.

The first measure is crude: how many papers have you published? This measures productivity more than competence—you might publish a lot, but in trivial journals that no one reads. More refined is something known as an “impact” factor. Calculated by an independent body, the Institute for Scientific Information, the impact of a journal is the number of times an average paper in that journal is cited elsewhere in a given year. To calculate a scientist's impact, just add up the impact factors of all of his or her papers. The third measure was the number of times that an individual's papers had actually been cited in the previous year. Moreover, each of these measures can be calculated in two ways: total productivity and first-author productivity. In biomedical research, the first author listed on a paper is typically the one who contributed the most—so being one frequently is a good measure of individual competence that is independent of collaborations.

Having compiled this information for each applicant, Dr Wenneras and Dr Wold looked to see how well it matched the competence rating given by the MRC. They found an astonishing—and shocking—discrepancy. Women with the same impact and productivity as men were consistently given much lower competence scores. The women with the most impact—those with a total score of over 100 points—were deemed to be only as competent as those men whose total impact was less than 20.

Although these figures look like the result of sex bias, other kinds of bias could produce them too. Women might more often come from insignificant universities, or hold their PhDs in subjects—such as nursing—that might be perceived as inferior.

To identify such factors, the researchers analysed how much an applicant's competence score was affected by nine different variables, including sex and whether or not the applicant knew a member of the reviewing committee. They found that just two factors improved the score significantly: being male and knowing a reviewer. In fact, the difference was so great that in order to get the same competence score as a man, a woman would need either to know someone on the committee, or to have published three more papers than the man in Nature or Science, the two journals with the highest impact—or 20 more papers in good specialist journals. It is often joked that a woman has to be twice as good as a man to do as well; Dr Wenneras and Dr Wold found that she would need to be, on average, 2.5 times as good on their measures to be rated as highly by reviewers.

This could partly explain why, although women receive almost half the PhDs in biomedical fields, more women than men leave at all later stages. This exodus is often explained as women not having the motivation or perseverance to work in a male-dominated scientific establishment, but Drs Wenneras and Wold reckon that their results could account entirely for the large numbers of women who have left biomedical research in Sweden. This, if true, is not only unfair, but a waste of public money.

Granted, theirs is only one study from one country. But it is the first study of its kind, and it comes from a country in which sexual equality is formally entrenched in public life. Other, similar research will have to be done, and if the same pattern is found, the peer review system will have to be overhauled. America's National Science Foundation is currently assessing its system—but in the absence of similar data. In the meantime, ambitious women would do well to return to a time-honoured but supposedly obsolete tradition, and apply under a male name.

13:37 - 2018年8月2日 場所: 日本